I'm a scatalogist. Can I be an expert? ;-)
John Doe
JoinedPosts by John Doe
Scary ghost story on Discovery Channel!
by Hellrider inyesterday, i watched a program on the discovery channel, called "a haunting in connecticut".
this was truly the most scary story of a haunted house i have ever seen.
the events happened a few years ago, but they`re apparantly going to make a movie out of it now.
How can one id a real Christian?
by BlackSwan of Memphis inplease back up with scriptural evidence.. .
ps thanks in advance
John Doe
Ahh yes, just as was expected. Avoidance of the issue. The question was regarding the identifying of a "true christian". There are many many clear statements in the bible that are attributed to Jesus regarding what it takes. Whether love or any other quality is present is not the issue. One can not pick and choose what scriptures he wishs to apply and then in the same breath proclaim himself as a true follower of christ. This is not a matter of applying what is comfortable and convenient. Paul does NOT trump the words of Jesus, especially if one claims jesus to be god. When you choose to interpret scripture and apply it as you see fit, you are also at the same time, giving validation to the Watchtower and their "interpretation". You interpret and disregard as you see fit.....no different than the Society.
Jesus gave direct commands....the "God" of the old testament gave direct commands. If one can interpret it and twist it to fit their own ideals, then there is no complaint against the Society for doing the same. If it is a matter of interpretation, then any one claim is as good as the next. Maybe we have struck a nerve with those that claim to be christian, yet only choose to follow a small portion of his teachings.
One "interpretation" is no better than the next. Either you follow the bible, or you don't. Don't make excuses for not following the words of the "great teacher".
Seymore, you're suggesting traditional formalism versus the more contemporary deconstructionism. Is truth an external, tangible reality, or is it merely the human-made communal presence of signifiers absent their respective signifieds? Are the two distinguishable, and does it really matter?
"True christians" is a term that I don't like. Such terms are egocentric and imply that the user has, not only the ability, but somehow the moral obligation to elevate himself to a position of judge, not for the purpose of benefitting anyone, but, namely for the purpose of elevating his own ego. In fact, "true christian" is completely arbitrary and only possesses the inherrent meaning we assign it. It's simply another way to isolate people, engender rigid boundaries, and increase chaos and depression in the world.
I'll not take part in arbitrary definitions of religious fervor, not because I'm better than those who do, but because it does not fit in with my ideal of how a person ought to act. For those who don't agree with me, I sincerely hope you prove me wrong and manage to find happiness in yourselves, without condemning others whose actions don't seemingly make sense.
How can one id a real Christian?
by BlackSwan of Memphis inplease back up with scriptural evidence.. .
ps thanks in advance
John Doe
How many scriptures can you list that even have the term "christian" in them?
Your favorite fictional literary character
by daystar inwhat is your favorite fictional literary character.
which character do you identify with most?
i was a well-read kid and my favorite series of books were the elric saga by michael moorcock.
John Doe
Jesus of Nazareth ;-)
Assembly Hall Intermission Music
by JH in.
remember that dull kingdom music.
what music are you thinking about that would have been more appropriate?
John Doe
It's amazing how music brings back memories. I haven't heard that in years, but it brings that same odd feeling in my gut as when I used to be sitting through afternoon assemblies on a hot June afternoon. Weird how much our environment affects us, and the things that link us with out past.
Assembly Hall Intermission Music
by JH in.
remember that dull kingdom music.
what music are you thinking about that would have been more appropriate?
John Doe
Yeah, I think you're right. I haven't attended but about 2 meetings in the last 8 years. ;-)
Assembly Hall Intermission Music
by JH in.
remember that dull kingdom music.
what music are you thinking about that would have been more appropriate?
John Doe
Something about "and to be sheep or to be goats, we'll let the people choose." Those are the only words I remember from it.
Assembly Hall Intermission Music
by JH in.
remember that dull kingdom music.
what music are you thinking about that would have been more appropriate?
John Doe
JH, that was one of the Kindom Hall songs, wasn't it? I recognize the tune. Who played it?
How the heck does this work?
by Sunnygal41 intry this and see if you can figure out how it works~~~
John Doe
Exercises such as this lend credence to the idea that the mass population views as magic that which they don't understand. One can easily see the frustration of scientists/evolutionists. ;-)
name your addiction
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok, what's your junk food addiction?.
is it chips, doritos, taco bell or mcds?.
i'm polishing off a bag of doritos as i write this and wondered what other people chow on.... meagan
John Doe
Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and apples. Occasionally I have to force myself to eat some Reeseās peanut butter or Snickers. ;-)